Available started dogs
Black Lab Male
We have a males started dog that will be available
Yellow Female
Yellow female will be available fall of 2025.
Black Female
Will be available fall of 2025.
Past started dogs from us!
Buzz is staying local to MN and will be headed home to chase fowl / be a companion. He will be leaving the kennel spring of 2025. He is related to Sal, and he is literally Sal 2.0.
Groot is a started golden that we trained from Fire Kissed and went to a family in Wisconsin.
Josie was a dog from 2023 that was sold to a family in Wisconsin. She has sense then come back here to run hunt tests!!
Gamble was sent out to California to be a personal hunting buddy and companion! Year of 2024
Ross, a yellow male who headed out to Colorado. He will be chasing ducks and geese for years to come!
Bo, a growing puppy at the moment! But he is soon to be a started dog for a couple who is local here in MN. Bo will be and upland / waterfowl dog. He will be heading home fall of 2025.
Sal was a started dog from the fall of 2024. He will be a guide dog for Platte reek!
Diesel is staying local and will be chasing upland birds and fowl!! He is coming back to train spring of 2025 with hopes to get some titles and learn how to handle.
River is a companion hunting dog that was sold in 2024
Gracie, a liter mate to Ross. She will also be headed out to Colorado! She will be chasing fowl in many states. We are excited to get her back in the spring for training. Teach her to handle and get some titles.
Tazer was a started dog from 2023 who we partnered with Fire Kisses Goldens! He is now coming back each summer for hunt tests and guides out in South Dakota
Millie is a started dog from 2024 that headed out to California.
Millie was sent out to California in the summer of 2024 to be a hunting dog! She will live out her days chasing ducks
Ike, a chocolate male that went home in the winter of 2024. Ike is gonna be an upland dog! He has sense come back for some more training and maybe even to run some hunt tests!